Recommended reading for perfectionists, self-doubters, or anyone currently in or wanting to be in a relationship.
Group Support
12 step groups and others
Alcoholics Anonymous 12 step recovery
Al-Anon For people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking
Sutter Health Grief Groups Grief support groups
Mindfulness Resources
Guided Mindfulness and Compassion Meditations
UCSD Center for Mindfulness Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction guided meditations
Center for Mindful Self Compassion Guided self-compassion mediations
If you are having a mental health emergency, emergency, please contact the crisis support services of Alameda County at or (510) 420-2460
I acknowledge that the land upon which I conduct my business is the un-ceded territory of the LIsjan/Ohlone people. To support returning Indigenous land to Indigenous people, I pay Shuumi Land Tax. To find out more, go to
©2024 Deb Lyman Licensed Clinical Social Worker Inc.
3824 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610
(510) 594-4099
Headshot photos by Sarah Deragon